We Have the Power to Impact Our Future, and We’re Doing Something About It
Every day, we welcome hundreds of youth to our different clubs. Each member has a unique story, individual strength and an incredible ability to learn about any topic that they are introduced to. Our passion is helping youth and because you’re reading this, we assume you care about youth too.
What We do
We provide our members with life enhancing activities operated by Clubs de Niños y Niñas de Centro América. Exposing youth to key areas of responsibility, developing positive behaviors, decision making and goal setting skills through education, and improving academic success.
Our purpose is not only to impart knowledge , but also to use their creativity to make new discoveries and foster their capacity to innovate.
Healthy Lives
By informing our members of the importance of making good decisions with their diet, we enable them to lead healthy lives.
This programming encourages children to demonstrate their skills through painting, drawing, dancing, music, and other forms of artistic expression.
Tutoring & ENGLISH
Individual and personalized attention allows us to support the specific needs of the child and keep track of progress and strategies used.
Club Registration
Get Involved
Upcoming Events
High Yield Learning Activities
Join this session to learn more about providing instruction, through high yield learning activities. If young people are not having fun, they’re not learning! More Details
School Supply Distribution
Our team will be distributing backpacks and school supplies. Many young people lack the resources to gain basic academic eduction, we are making it possible! More Details
Measuring Impact
Youth Service organizations put in a lot of hours, effort, passion and resources into their work. Without measuring the work’s impact, it’s difficult to adjust, and understand if we’re on the right path to success. More Details
I believe that the success of a child should not be based on who gets lucky. All children should have access to healthcare, education, and safety. In Central America, that is not possible for every child but we’re working to make it possible, one child at a time.
Our Partners & Sponsors
Rick and Susan Goings Foundation
Pacific Youth Foundation
Tupperware Guatemala / Fiesta Imports
World Federation of Youth Clubs
Boys and Girls Clubs of America
- Fundación Cocina de la Esperanza
- Little Caesars
- Wendy’s
- Dentons Muñoz Guatemala, Sociedad Anónima
- Colgate – Palmolive Guatemala
- Grupo Vallas
- Grupo Cemaco
- Claro Telecom
- Fundación San Benito
Alcaldia Auxiliar Zona 11
Departamentales Educativas
Secretaria de Bienestar Social
Consejo Nacional de la Juventud
Iglesia Esquipulitas
Guatemala Volcano Relief – Mariel Castellanos
Astrid & Allan Urizar
Ivan Delgado
Maria Ramos
Byron Delgado
Angie Cruz
Marlene Cruz
Kristine Tsaturyan
Mauricio Vargas
Jose Cruz
Glenn Permuy